Rockmere Lodge in Ogunquit Proprietors Andy and Bob Of all the places we could be. Like London, France, or Spain. All the mysteries that be, Like what brought us all to Maine? Where heaven seems to touch the earth, and lovers take long walks. Gentle breezes touch your hair. As waves all touch the rocks…. Read more »
Winter 2018
Happy Holidays Dear Friends of Rockmere Lodge It is hard to believe the 2018 season is coming to an end and this will be our last newsletter for this year. First, we would like to thank all of you for sticking by us and supporting us each year. Without you there would not be a… Read more »
August 2018
Hello Rockmere Lodge Friends, First off on this long-awaited newsletter, it is with a heavy and broken heart that we tell you that we said fair well to our beloved Gromit who crossed over the rainbow bridge on August 28th. He had pneumonia and his weak immune system couldn’t stand the strain and Andy had… Read more »
Spring 2017
Hello Friends of Rockmere Lodge, As I write this the calendar said that it is Spring but they are saying 8 to 10 inches of snow tomorrow! The weather has been something else lately! As we are sure that you heard, we got hit with a nor’easter a couple of weeks ago. Andy had a… Read more »
January 2016
Dear Friends, As we start the year 2016, Rockmere Lodge also will be celebrating our 25th anniversary. Twenty-five wonderful years of what we call “a dream come true”. To be able to live in such a beautiful Town of Ogunquit and be by the Marginal Way and the ocean. Well, we have to pinch ourselves… Read more »
Winter 2015
Happy New Year! Sorry this newsletter is a bit late but you will understand why as you read it. This letter is maybe one of our longest and the most personal one we ever did in our history as Innkeepers. So please bear with us and hopefully read it to the end. Thank you. 2014… Read more »
October 1, 2014
As I sit at the Main Beach parking lot watching the waves wash ashore at high tide, I find it hard to believe that we are in our second week of Fall already! Where did the summer go? It seems like each year it passes faster and faster. As far as the temperature goes, it… Read more »
Winter 2013
Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe that we are so close to the Holiday Season already! This year flew right by so fast! We started off with lots of rain in the spring spoiling most of our gardens. Then the heat came and burned what was left of the gardens! But we still received many… Read more »
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